Highlands and Islands Regional MSP Tim Eagle is writing to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Neil Gray, to seek assurances about funding for Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin after revelations about the underfunding of NHS Grampian.
Tim Eagle said: “In recent months commitments have been made to maintaining and improving services at Dr Gray’s Hospital, including 24-hour A&E cover and the maternity service.
“While these commitments are very welcome, there have always been worries about funding, and whether any of these plans will ever bear fruit. Even now we don’t have a proper maternity service despite years of promises from ministers.
“So local people are bound to be dismayed when they discover that NHS Grampian, which is responsible for funding Dr Gray’s, has been massively underfunded to the tune of £262m while money is directed to Glasgow.
“We have been let down too often to allow this to be unchallenged so I am writing directly to the minister so that he can assure me, local NHS staff, and local residents, that the money will be found to upgrade Dr Gray’s as was promised.”