Tim Eagle MSP has vowed to “keep up the pressure” on Ministers over the upgrade of the A83 trunk road at the Rest and Be Thankful pass, in Argyll and Bute.
The Highlands and Islands Regional MSP said that he has lodged questions to Scottish Ministers about how they proposed to manage congestion on the route in the hope that the replies will be useful to local people.
Mr Eagle said: “Last week I found myself sitting in a queue at the Rest, having attended a meeting with constituents in Tarbert. It was the evening by then and, frankly, I was pretty tired and could have done without the delay. But my experience is insignificant compared to what local people, who are utterly reliant on the route, have to put up with on a day-to-day basis.
“My questions are designed to elicit some information on how the government plans to support motorists as they attempt to get back and forth from the communities in Argyll which rely on the A83.”