Delivering a long-term solution for the A83 Rest and Be Thankful

One of the top issues that constituents have raised with me is the lack of progress in delivering both medium-term and long-term solutions to the ongoing problems affecting the A83 Rest and Be Thankful.

The road is regularly closed or operating under convoy as a result of frequent landslips, usually during poor weather, and residents and businesses are forced to either take a significantly longer detour or use the single-track Old Military Road.

Residents and businesses across Argyll and Bute deserve better than this.

After years of campaigning by the A83 Rest and Be Thankful Campaign Group, MSPs, Councillors and other concerned residents and businesses, Transport Scotland finally announced plans to deliver medium-term and long-term solutions in 2021, with a preferred medium-term route announced in December 2022, and a preferred long-term route announced in June 2023.

However, the lack of any visible work since then has caused understandable frustration for local people.

I will continue to campaign on this important issue, and will provide regular updates on my work on this issue in the news section below.


MSP keeps up pressure on ministers over Rest and be Thankful

Tim Eagle MSP has vowed to “keep up the pressure” on Ministers over the upgrade of the A83 trunk road at the Rest and Be Thankful pass, in Argyll and Bute.The Highlands and Islands Regional MSP said that he has lodged questions to Scottish Ministers about how they proposed to manage congestion on th

MSP raises A83 consultancy fees to First Minister

Highlands and Islands Regional MSP Tim Eagle raised the issue of consultancy fees linked with the A83 Rest and Be Thankful, during this week's session of First Minister's Questions.Following a government response to a written parliamentary question submitted by Mr Eagle, it was revealed that more th